Zackery Wilson’s "SNESQUE II" is the follow-up/sequel to the 2014 album, once again uniting Super Nintendo soundfonts (collections of samples from original Super Nintendo video games) and modern-day audio production (e.g. EQ, delay, reverb, filters, etc.). "SNESQUE II" is an evolution of the first album’s sound, featuring a more thoroughly-produced, "next-gen" approach to composition and sound design, while maintaining the original formula.
From the "SNESQUE" liner notes: "Each [track] was created using only one soundfont (exclusive to each respective game), again, only taking liberties with audio production and some creative sample manipulation (i.e. pitch-shifting, time-stretching, etc.); the structure of each track limited to roughly a minute’s worth of music, looping once (in the tradition of standard video game 'level' music) before fading out."
Note: "SNESQUE II" is wholly original (read: not a remix album). The parenthetical in each respective track’s title simply denotes the instrumentation (i.e. soundfont used) for that particular track.
released December 4, 2020
Tracks 1-11 written and produced by Zackery Wilson (2020).
Track 12 originally written by FYÜTCH [Harold Simmons] & Boba Sweat [Jay Wilson] (2017); arranged and produced by Zackery Wilson (2020).
Cover artwork by Corey Marquart.
Created with FL Studio 11:; soundfonts (by Blitz Lunar, Christian Esquivel, fluidvolt, Harumi Makoto, Lil'Alien, Mike Crain, M. Reza Khadafi, William Kage, Zetshiro): &
This album is dedicated to my loving family: Lindsay, Benjamin, & Oliver.
Released in partnership with Ubiktune.